Saturday, April 22, 2006



>click here to play video

Reflections on today. A long and difficult day. It is an enlightening experience to be a patient's wife. Now that I am also in the role of professional caregiver, I find the extra knowledge I have aquired has positive and negative aspects... I am once again amazed at the experienced nurses and how supportive they can be to the family as well as their patients while doing 1001 things. What a priviledge it will be to join this community.


Blogger Jo said...

It's a nurse's curse to know too much when you have a loved one in the hospital.
You look exhausted, get some rest.
Your hubby will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight and I wish him (and you) a speedy recovery.

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been in that enlightening position a couple of times. It's hard isn't it? Hang in there. I hope things are better.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Best to you and yours.

10:36 PM  
Blogger missbhavens said...

They say that nurses make the best patients but nurses' loved ones are a whole other story. I say that's not fair! It would be very difficult for me to balance all that I know with sitting at my honey's hospital bed as a visitor. I'd be all over the monitors. One "beep" and I'd just be all over it. I'm glad his surgery went well.

It is our curse...we know too much.

Med-Surg has faded to a memory (well, not totally faded...just faded enough to not be stressful) and Srpring has arrived.

Take some time for yourself, even if it is just an hour for a hot bath and a Hendricks.

4:15 PM  
Blogger dog food sugar said...

Bless your heart.

I'm so glad you've got such good support from your inlaws. That is so great. It looks like your little bird is trying to be supportive too.

Take care. You'll get through this.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Yeah, it looked like LeeLoo picked up on your mood and quietly stood like a supportive sentinel.

It is so hard to have your family in the hospital. I was a rock on the outside when my daughter was in the hospital but I had a lump in my gut the entire time.

I watched her IVs, helped transfer her to bed from gurney in her room and finally took over doing her I and Os. I really did nothing physical, but felt as though I had been slammed by a truck for two weeks afterward. And I didn't have any other committments, so I can only imagine how you feel.

Do take a bit of time for yourself so you can handle this.

There is light at the end of the tunnel where school is concerned and you passed even under all this stress. Maybe it's not straight A's but you will get through it - no one cares about your grades once you have that "RN" after your name. Do the best you can without wiping yourself out.

Take it one hour at a time if you have to and get as much rest as possible if you can. You look like you have been through exactly what you described.

And you know what? Go ahead and take that pulse. It's instinctive! And it helps the stress. I don't know that it is possible to separate the nurse from the relative - it's ingrained in our DNA.

2:40 PM  
Blogger The new Third Degree Nurse said...

You're looking wiped out in that video. There's no hiding it.

I say BE A NURSE. I took care of one guy this week whose wife was a retired nurse and she was on our butts about everything. It made us more vigilant and I went the extra mile and did "old school" traditions like bringing the patient a warm, wet washcloth before he took his meds and getting him extra things. She appreciated it and he stopped complaining about the noisy hallways:)

Look at it this way: if you let the staff know you're a student nurse, they'll either expect you to hop to it and look after him yourself or he'll get more respect.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back from a great trip and wanted to share my excitement. Hope things are good with you!

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to share my latest post. It's sure to make you smile!

1:40 PM  

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